Extension de maison - Issy les Moulineaux - 2021-2022

Extension d'une maison pour creation chambre supplémentaire

projet Thomas Jansem.jpg

Castle in the South of France - Toulonjac - March -July 2014

12 rooms for a second residence home for expatried family
Consulting for managing and following the project (from Istanbul)

Restauration of old grounds
Restauration and renovation of façades / Windows / roofs
Inspiration folder for new rooms and Under roof open space

Torre Ruben Dario - Mexico - March-April 2013

Architectural Project for a Residential building - Polanco - Mexico DF

Working with architect Andre-jacques bodin on interior design issues
Drawing and researchs for inspiration and materials to create the 3D images and a maquette-Official presentation to the immobiliary found group